Hsiao-Hang Tao

I am interested in characterizing spatial connectivity. Particularly, I am fascinated by spatial structure, connectivity, interactions, dispersal, and stability of ecological populations in dynamic ecosystems. To tackle the research questions, I use linear and nonlinear methods to analyze empirical data, I create simulations, and I perform field experiments. I have worked on marine and agricultural ecosystems.
I am a Taiwanese researcher. I obtained a bachelor in plant sciences and a master in plant molecular biology at National Taiwan University in 2008. I completed a PhD in soil ecology at University of Oxford in 2016. I worked as a postdoctoral fellow in crop sciences at Göttingen University in 2017, and I worked in marine ecology at Ecoinformatics Lab at National Taiwan University since 2018. I am currently a visiting researcher at the BioDICée team at the Institute for Evolutionary Sciences (ISEM) in France.

I plan to use this website to share my ongoing projects, my reading notes, and fun stories around my academic life. Blog articles coming soon!


Nov 29, 2022

[Reading note] Coming soon...

I will summarize this paper: Audzijonyte et al. 2020 Fish body sizes change with temperature but not all species shrink with warming. 

Sep 15, 2022

[Reading note] When catastroph happens: which role does spatial connectivity play?

My colleagues here in Montpellier did some cool stuff on spatial connectivity of ecological communities. They look at different patches of local communities, which are connected by dispersal (this kind of system is called meta-community). They asked: w...

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